Resonant Thoughts: Kyle Chayka’s “Filterworld” (2024)

“Today, it can often feel like there is no creativity without attention, and no attention without the accelerant of algorithmic recommendations.”

“That kind of internal creative process, or even the process of thinking on one’s own, is something that feels lacking in the Filterworld era, when any idea or thought can be made instantly public and tested for engagement.
The artist-as-influencer isn’t introspective; she exists on the ephemeral surface of things.”

“The way that art is made and distributed now is not how it was for the past few centuries. There was no constant heckling from an audience in a quiet studio or workshop or at a writing desk.”

“Innovation came not from adaptation to a metric of constant engagement but in creative leaps that might have been shocking at first glance. When you conform to expectations too much in advance or rearrange your imagination to fit a particular set of variables, it can mean that that leap is denatured or cut short.”

Kyle Chayka, Filterworld

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