Curating The Week: Excellence, Learning, and Magicians


An article about excellence.

“Excellence is mundane. Excellence is accomplished through the sound of actions, ordinary in themselves, performed consistently and carefully, habitualized, compounded together, added up over time. While these actions are ‘qualitatively different’ from those of performers at other levels, these differences are neither unmanageable nor, taken one step at a time, terribly difficult.”  

An article about learning.

“The direction for improvement is clear: seek detail you would not normally notice about the world…As you learn, notice which details actually change how you think.”

An article about learning from magicians.

“The way to extraordinary growth and changes often involves a fundamental ontological or ‘lens’ shift in how you see the world. Magicians are wearing not just better, but fundamentally differently shaped lenses to the rest of us. And regardless of your skills and experience, it is likely that you are a magician to someone else.”

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